Nevena Stoyanova, our alumni @ You made my day
Nevena Stoyanova, our alumni at You made my day talking about opportunities in her company.
Dear Alumni,
Never forget the sense of connectivity and shared values we had with the people we have been active with at AIESEC.
The contacts of that time – closer or farther – are valuable to us today, not only personally but also professionally.
The focus of the association for the first 2 years will be
Alumni 2 Alumni as to build the community.
Find alumni, form groups and create a powerful network.
Reconnect with the organization and support the new generations of AIESECers.
Lean on our values and create projects, beneficial for our society and environment.
We are the community not only of AIESEC Alumni from Bulgaria, but any alumni that happens to be in the country.
Almost 30 years after the founding of AIESEC in Bulgaria, the Alumni Association is now an official organization.
Born from the members of the National Board of Advisers 2015/17 – Dobrin, Teo, Bobi, Michele, Miro, Pafka & Rosen.
Have you ever had issues you can’t even grasp on your own? It always helps to have a friend with experience in the problem topic.
Now you don’t need to know the person to ask him. You need to come and hear him speak and meet him afterwards for drinks.
People don’t want to small-talk about their challenges. That’s why this format is so successful. Its not about complaining, but sharing your challenges and getting constructive opinions.
Services are about trust. This is just a simple tool that can show you services that our alumni have supported. Try it and add your suggestions.
Wanted to find out where you can see the alumni-owned businesses in Sofia?
Look and add yours.
Nevena Stoyanova, our alumni at You made my day talking about opportunities in her company.
A shot story about the first edition of Levcheto told by our own Vili Asenova.
New Alumni space is shaping up nice. See the progress, join the initiative, use the space.
Maria Peeva – LCP of VTU 2010/11 awarded HR professional of 2019 by BAPM.
Local Committee Sofia UNWE 1990-1991 President – Angel Angelov 1991-1992 President – Dimitar Petkov 1992-1993 President – Borislav Andreev 1993-1994 President – Jonko Ignatiev 1994-1995 1995-1996 President – Nikolay Chakrakchiev …
AABG is about the Alumni community. It’s about YOU!
We expect ideas for projects, publications, news or generally feedback on how we are doing at the contacts below.